My current favorite Youtubers!
I watch Youtube a lot lately (mostly beauty, I know shocker) and I mostly watch before bed or while I get ready in the morning. Here are some of my favorite Youtubers:
Lauren Mae - She's chill, down-to-earth and is who got me really into project panning.
Too Much Tash - I really love her videos, especially her "How Many Uses To Finish" series. They are really informative and eye opening!
Robert Welsh - He's witty, funny, and I love his Ghost Stories and Makeup series.
Last but not least Breafkast. I love her Dumpster Diving channel, I binge watched her channel when I first discovered it! It was so nice to see how many perfectly good things she and other divers save from landfills.
Those are a few of mine, what are yours? Share your favorite channels here, I'm always on the hunt for new channels to check out <3
As always, thank you for reading, and don't forget to always be dazzling!
I watch Youtube a lot lately (mostly beauty, I know shocker) and I mostly watch before bed or while I get ready in the morning. Here are some of my favorite Youtubers:
Lauren Mae - She's chill, down-to-earth and is who got me really into project panning.
Robert Welsh - He's witty, funny, and I love his Ghost Stories and Makeup series.
Those are a few of mine, what are yours? Share your favorite channels here, I'm always on the hunt for new channels to check out <3
As always, thank you for reading, and don't forget to always be dazzling!
Follower #185 Blogwalking here from Malaysia :)